miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2011

Graciela Wartburg

 El último sedán que salió de Dinfia, la fabrica que creó el General Perón. Está vivo, en la calle, funcionando,  con patente de auto clásico,  para que lo vuelvan a ver los que lo conocieron y lo conozcan todos los demás.

3 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Hola Mario,
    I live in Germany. Graciela Wartburg was originally from East Germany and the name was Wartburg 311. Take a look here: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wartburg_311
    It is very, very interesting for me, that You have Graciela Wartburg in Argentina!!! Mario, Could You make please 4 more pictures from Your Graciela Wartburg?
    - 1. picture like this: http://static.classistatic.de/imagegallery/wartburg/311/wartburg-311-war_311l_4.jpg
    - 2. picture like this inside of motor compartment: http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NjAwWDgwMA==/$%28KGrHqFHJEQF!d5HtvL-BQO0JZHvjw~~48_20.JPG
    - 3. picture like this: http://erfahre-freude.de/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Armaturenbrett-1024x768.jpg
    - 4. picture like this: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fe/Wartburg-2006-04.jpg

    I would like to know, how these 4 pictures look like with Your Graciela Wartburg.

    Could You make please these 4 pictures from Your Graciela Wartburg?

    Greetings from Germany

    1. Hello i hope this good, this car is Argentina industry, the original engine was disposable, no could repair, now I placed a DKW three cylinder engine is running ok, only need much paint job, anything COMMUNICATE with me by the lu3do@yahoo.com.ar mail and I send you more pictures,, in http://auto.mercadolibre.com.ar/MLA-527693257-se-vende-graciela-wartburg-patente-auto-clasico-a-mi-nombre-_JM There are more photos thanks
